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Previous Work


Seven Courses After Four Years

A non-fiction essay about cooking a seven course meal to celebrate the end of high school. Featured in the 9th issue of kitchen work, this piece explores how food brings people together and forges longterm friendships.


The hidden beauty behind UFC

A sports piece that looks at the creative aspect of martial arts and how that translates to organized fighting in UFC. This was my first piece outside of Life + Arts at the Los Angeles Loyolan. 


Meals under $10 for the hungry college student: Earle’s on Crenshaw

A food review of Earle's on Crenshaw with an interview of the restaurant's owner, Duane Earle. Earle explains the process behind each dish, while I describe their flavor profiles. This piece was part of a series Athena wrote that won the Society of Professional Journalists' National Mark of Excellence in Food Writing.

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